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Eggs From My Best Cock



Really excited as i have two eggs from the best cock I breed last year, this chap




He is out of a Sam Wildes Dark Green hen to a Geoff Tuplin Sky Spangle. Not great spots but a really big bird that I really like.


The hen he is paired to is a Grey Cinn Dom Pied




Fingers crossed for fertile eggs!






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Thanks for the comments guys, three eggs now. Fingers crossed for fertile any time soon!





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First egg is fertile, long way to go but a cracking bit of news for a Saturday morning! If it carries on like this then Scotland will beat the Welsh at Murrayfield today!

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wow they are looking really good and with luck ill be following soon- the chicks from the pair should be really good- but does he look mor like mum or day and will you pair his daughter/son back to the grand parents to produce a line or two? kevin

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She's laid 7 now and all look like they are coming fertile!


He looks like a blend of both of his parents. I have two dark green spangle cocks from the same round and I have chicks from one of them at the moment too so shall look to combine that way as it will give me cousin to cousin pairings. Unfortunately I don't have either of the cocks parents.

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Two chicks hatched so far! Fingers crossed as its been a weird year so far :-)

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Five chicks now, with four rung. I'm really chuffed and excited about the potential of this pair and very glad to be getting some offspring from my best cock.

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